Hi, I'm Jake
frontend developer.

my portfolio

Unplugged Retreat Project

I coded this fully responsive site from a design comp.

Tools Used: Photoshop | HTML5 | CSS3 | Visual Studio Code | Google Fonts | W3C Validation | Git/Github.

Highlight: Accomplishing a responsive site with flexbox and mobile first techniques and focus on accessibility.

Challenge: The transition from floating containers to using flexbox was different but well worth it!

Magic 8 Ball

Tools Used: JavaScript | HTML5 | CSS3 | Visual Studio Code | Photoshop | Google Fonts | W3C Validation | Git/Github.

Highlight: Creating something I was proud to show my friends and family.

LolCat Clock

My first Javascript project was creating a functional clock that displays different photos per time of day.

Tools Used: JavaScript | HTML5 | CSS3 | Visual Studio Code | Photoshop | Google Fonts | W3C Validation | Git/Github.

Highlight: I loved learning to make a website come alive with JavaScript!

Jubilee Austen Project

My first project was creating a one page static site for fictitious new developer Jubilee Austen.

Tools Used: Photoshop | HTML5 | CSS3 | Visual Studio Code | Google Fonts | W3C Validation | Git/Github.

Highlight: Learning new technologies (VSC) and skills (floating)! It gave me a sense of wonder (like a child jumping in a puddle for the first time).

Challenge: My curiosity. With each new concept I wanted to study for hours, but I set time limits in order to move on.

Rogue Pickings Website

I translated a Photoshop design for a food truck into and focused on honing my boarder and floating skills.

Tools Used: Photoshop | HTML5 | CSS | Visual Studio Code | Google Fonts | W3C Validation | Git/Github

Highlight: Learning is actually exciting for me - when I finally go the boxes in the right positions I was ecstatic.

Challenge: For my 2nd ever project I was challenged on the floating method most.

about me

I'm a family-first coffee-geek who loves coding!

In 2020 I left higher education to pursue the web development full time via a Front End Developer certificate with Skillcrush Inc. I traded in applying human development theory & staff development for writing code and obsessivley researching tech. Starting from the ground up I learned HTML5, CSS3, & JavaScript.

I love flexing my creative side while building clean and efficient products!